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Mehndi ceremonies are a traditional part of many Indian weddings. The Mehndi ceremony is typically held the night before the wedding, and is a time for the bride and her female relatives and friends to get together, relax, and have Mehndi (henna) applied to their hands and feet.

If you’re planning a Mehndi ceremony and are wondering what kind of seating arrangement to have, here are some Mehndi ceremony seating options to consider:

  • Sofa Seating : One option for Mehndi ceremony seating is to have your guests sit on sofas or divans. This is a comfortable option, allowing your guests to chat and socialize with each other easily.
  • Floor Seating : Another option for Mehndi ceremony seating is to have your guests sit on the floor. This is a more traditional option, and will give your Mehndi ceremony a more intimate feel.
  • Chair Seating : If you’re looking for a Mehndi ceremony seating option that is somewhere in between floor and sofa seating, consider having your guests sit on chairs. This option will allow your guests to be comfortable while still being able to interact with each other easily.
  • Combination Seating : Another option for Mehndi ceremony seating is to have a combination of different types of seating. This could include having some guests sit on sofas or divans, and others sit on the floor or in chairs. This option will give your Mehndi ceremony a more eclectic feel.

No matter what Mehndi ceremony seating option you choose, the important thing is that your guests are comfortable and able to interact with each other easily. So, take your time in choosing the right Mehndi ceremony seating option for you and your guests!

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By Vyshnav

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